Osteopathy and pregnant women

Pregnancy is a tsunami in a woman's life. The resulting changes are numerous, we can approach them from three points of view :
- mechanical
- hormonal
- emotional

All these changes are put in place from the first weeks and are manifested by adaptations, disorders or pain. Know that you can take action to improve your condition.

Osteopathy and pregnant women

Pregnancy is a tsunami in a woman's life. The resulting changes are numerous, we can approach them from three points of view :
- mechanical
- hormonal
- emotional

All these changes are put in place from the first weeks and are manifested by adaptations, disorders or pain. Know that you can take action to improve your condition.

What is going on ?

From a mechanical point of view

It creates a modification of the posture. The belly rounds and will cause a shift of the center of gravity forward. The back muscles will be more stressed and undergo new tensions. Tensions that cause loss of mobility.
Some imbalances were already present before but not painful because they were "well compensated".
Because of the change in posture, the body has to provide a lot of energy to create new postural equilibriums.
Pain can then appear, such as lumbago, back pain and neck pain.
The fetus comfortably seated in the uterus and bathed in amniotic fluid continues to grow for nine months.
The growing uterus will pull on the neighboring structures: the sacrum, the coccyx, the lumbar, the hips, the intestines ... So many new tensions that can cause pain such as sciatica, cruralgia, pubalgies, genes during walking .
There is also a compressive effect of the uterus on all the surrounding structures: your stomach, your intestines, your bladder etc ... This may lead to: reflux, urinary leakage, venous stasis, hemorrhoids, etc. In osteopathy we will use gentle techniques to come to free these areas and thus allow the body of the future mother to adapt to this new posture.

From a hormonal point of view

There are great upheavals that accompany these mechanical changes in order to relax the tissues and allow childbirth.
Have not you noticed being more flexible? It is thanks to the progesterone, this hormone will allow the dilation of the tissues. The pelvic ligaments will relax to allow anteversion and opening during delivery. But progesterone will also decrease the tone of smooth muscles resulting in gastric reflux and constipation. Water retention, edema or feeling of heavy legs are also due to this hormone that dilates the wall of the veins and decreases venous return.
Osteopathy will tend to restore mobility to the organs, will stimulate their tone and reduce the onset of these disorders. By releasing the compression zones we will help your body to neutralize all these new constraints.

From an emotional point of view

Pregnancy is a time of great upheaval. Those around you may think that you are experiencing the most wonderful time in your life, but the reality of your feelings may be different, if not the opposite. To feel a baby growing up in his body is to feel responsible for a new being. This can cause a lot of stress.
Improving one's lifestyle, accepting changes in one's body, serenely apprehending childbirth, anticipating baby's arrival, surpassing hormonal blues are all challenges for a mother-to-be. The osteopathy session is a space of freedom. We will help you to relax, we will teach you the right breaths, essential tool, to refocus you at all times.

When to consult?

At any time during your pregnancy, a session of osteopathy can be beneficial.

Why is a pre-term session beneficial?

Osteopathy will allow you to improve the position of your pelvis to facilitate the passage of your baby. We can also use visualization techniques and this can help to consider giving birth with strength and confidence. We will propose a work of breathing coupled with the work of the perineum, to optimize the effectiveness of the contractions the day J.
In conclusion, we will propose a program adapted to your body, we will give you the appropriate exercises that you can reproduce freely at home.
And this, for the sole purpose of offering you a serene and harmonious pregnancy.

And after ?

A follow-up of the postpartum woman is strongly advised.
New moms often forget to take care of them, it is their babies who go first. They may lose sight of the fact that they have a huge need for energy to take care of their child.
The physical and psychological well-being provided by the osteopathic follow-up is then precious to relax and continue the "marathon" of the first year with baby.